Greatest in the
Kingdom :: Prayer Journey
Isaiah 40 Ministry is asking people who are involved in intercession & prayer to prayerfully consider including the handicapped, elderly, orphans, children, homeless & prisoners (those the Lord refers to as the "greatest in the kingdom of God") in their prayer sessions. "When the Church becomes humble enough to allow the handicapped to pray for them - then we will begin to see the miracles." - A word from the Lord in 1980
Isaiah 40 Ministry’s Praise & Blessing InitiAtive!!
Isaiah 40 Ministry is announcing the beginning of a year of extreme praise and blessing – for each of you & your families, for each nation that this newsletter reaches, and for the nation of Israel!
This announcement coincides with the release of my latest book “Whirlwinds of Blessings & Praise.”
In order to participate in this Praise & Blessing Initiative you must be willing to develop a new mindset. You will need to be willing to go to “war” against evil by deploying blessings & praise whenever and wherever evil is encountered. It is time for a real climate change!
Just think about this – Daniel changed things for the good for Israel by praying 3 times a day. Jesus went about doing good & blessing people and He changed the world forever! The entire Bible shows us that there is a war going on between good & evil – blessings & curses. It is time to choose which side we are on. Are we going to live our lives in fear of evil or are we going to become a source of extravagant blessings & praise?
Suggestions for All of You Blessing & Praise Warriors:
- Determine to praise and thank the Lord the first thing every morning – no matter how you feel.
- Say something to your spouse and children individually that will make them feel good.
- Pray a blessing over your family every day. (It doesn’t have to be out loud.)
- Do these same things at your place of work. Thank the Lord for your boss.
- Ask the Lord to allow you to see and experience the beauty of His creation.
- Whenever you hear or see evil in any form pray for those involved and ask the Lord to bless those involved.
- When you hear someone cursing or blaspheming ask the Lord to forgive them and then, if possible, say something uplifting.
- Listen to praise music. Sing or hum praises while you shop, when you are driving and while you are working. Reading & singing the Psalms works, too.
- Whenever possible have your children or grandchildren join you in singing and dancing to praise music. Have them experience the joy and fun of praising the Lord.
- Plan to do at least one thing to bless or help another person every day. As you get used to doing these things begin to include family and friends in these acts. Teach your children to be kind, empathetic and giving. Have them experience the joy in blessing others.
- Determine to find something good about the people and situations you encounter each day. At the end of each day thank the Lord for everything that happened – and praise Him!!
- Pray for the peace of Jerusalem and for the leaders of your nation.
Join the Prayer Storm
Encounters Network is setting up a “Prayer Storm” by having people all over the world choose one hour a week to pray for Israel, for righteousness in the nations, etc. Let us know if you are interested in joining in this prayer and we will help plug you in.
“Whirlwinds of Blessings & Praise” the book!!!!!!
If you would like a copy of this small book just let us know and we will send one to you. It would help us if you could send something for the postage but if you are not able to we will send one to you anyway. It is our way of blessing you!
New book by Gini Detry: "Whirlwinds of Blessings & Praise" Contact Isaiah 40 Ministry for information. 920-632-7548 or:
Suggested Links:
Aglow international:
Plumbline Ministries: