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About Us

"Comfort, yes comfort   My people,' says the Lord.   Speak tenderly to the heart of Jerusalem."      ~ Isaiah 40:1&2

Isaiah 40 Ministry:

  • Helps Christians develop a deeper, loving relationship with the God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob.

  • Improves Christian/Jewish relationships & combats anti-Semitism.

  • Provides tangible ways to help Israel.

  • Encourages and facilitates prayer and intercession for Israel and the Jewish community.

  • Helps Christians learn how to truly be a "Comfort" to God's people and how to "Speak tenderly to the heart of Jerusalem."

  • Encourages reconciliation in families, churches and communities through character building and Biblical unconditional love.

  • Ministers to and through those Jesus referred to as "the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven." ( the handicapped, children, orphans, ec.)

A Ministry of Unconditional Love

When asked which commandment was the most important, Jesus responded:

"Hear O Israel, the Lord our God , the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.' The second is this, 'Love your neighbor as yourself."

The Greatest In the Kingdom!! Jesus told us that children are part of the "greatest in the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 18:3&4

When He referred to a man who was born blind He said that it happened so that "the works of G-d might be made manifest in him." John 9:3

We believe that the Lord works through children, the handicapped, the elderly, orphans, etc. to show Himself mighty!

"Isaiah 40 Ministry" is a non-profit organization and relies on the gifts of people who want to encourage the work we do. To help "Isaiah 40 Ministry" continue their work contact us at: info@isaiah40ministry.com or click on Donations page.


"Comfort ye, comfort ye My people..." Is.40:1

Gini Detry is a co-founder and president of Isaiah 40 Ministry, a Christian organization that endeavors to heal the divisions between Christians and Jews. She and her husband Kip have been involved in Jewish/Christian ministry since 1981 and have two grown daughters. (Gini has been heard to say that the Lord has blessed her with the most wonderful husband any woman who has been called into full time ministry could ask for.) Gini has a double BS degree in Special Education and has completed extensive graduate work in the area of multicultural issues. She has always had a deep love and admiration for the profoundly handicapped. She has been involved with Women Aglow since 1980.

Since 1994 Gini has traveled throughout the United States teaching others how to truly become a “comfort” and “blessing” to Israel and the Jewish people. She has lead many small groups of Christians on “prayer journeys” and “comfort excursions” through Israel and even into Samaria (the West Bank). She has developed close working relationships with many Jews and Christians who are living in the Land of Israel.

The message that Gini brings to her audiences is not only one of reconciliation between Christians and Jews. Her message is also one of healing and restoration between husbands & wives, parents & their children and most importantly, between individuals & the Creator of the universe – the Lord God of Israel.

Our nation is facing the threat of international terrorism, declining morals, the breakdown of the family and the diminishing of the value of human life. Gini’s deepest desire is to help Christians address these challenges and learn how to show the “face” of the Father by becoming more like the “servant” Jesus.

Kip Detry is a co-founder and vice-president of Isaiah 40 Ministry. He has a BS degree in education and was the owner/operator of Bob & Kip's Cyclery in De Pere, WI for 27 years. Kip does most of the ministry office work and product development. He is also the travel coordinator and treasurer for Isaiah 40 Ministry.

BJ Houk serves as secretary for Isaiah 40 Ministry and often travels with Gini to speaking venues and conferences. She has traveled to Israel with Isaiah 40 Ministry many times. BJ has developed several exciting power point presentations and teaches many subjects regarding Israel.

Isaiah 40 Ministry is based on the 1st & 2nd verses: "Comfort, yes comfort My people, says your God. speak tenderly to the heart of Jerusalem." We believe in the dignity and worth of all human life and we believe that the Bible is the living Word of God.

Isaiah 40 Ministry urges Christians to "comfort" & "bless" Israel and provides concrete avenues to do so through 4 projects in Israel. We also call for prayer and intercession on behalf of Israel.

The Isaiah 40 Ministry Newsletter, which is published monthly, provides the reader with a short teaching, news updates, Scriptures and prayer requests all relating to Israel and the Jewish community.

We also help churches and synagogues develop Bless Israel Conferences and Prayer Conferences.

Isaiah 40 Ministry takes groups to Israel for "prayer journeys," "compassion excursions," "first timer tours," and any number of custom trips.


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